Paper or Plastic?
December 6, 2013 - February 2, 2014
Speakeasy Art Gallery's winter group exhibit was "Paper or Plastic?". The theme of this exhibit is all about medium. All works included will either be composed of paper, plastic or both. Speakeasy Art Gallery's curators have assembled an impressive line up of artists who have all interpreted the theme in their own unique way. The exhibit will feature original works on paper, editioned prints, collage, custom toys, originals sculptures and much more. "Paper or Plastic?" will feature past and future Speakeasy Art Gallery solo exhibitors in addition to some new first time exhibitors. Join us for this playful exhibit featuring an eclectic mix of art with multiple price points for any art enthusiast's budget.
Contributing artists include:
Rob Hessler, Jan Huling, Dave Calver, Mike Moran, Chip 7, Anthony "Weird Eye" One, Richard Elaver, Aaron Beebe, Richard Bedkowski, Zach Collins, Ted Tollefson, Florence Weisz, Rob Kemos, Matt Crabe, Elaine Walton, Rob Barth, Letty Oratowski, Sheila Marcello, Tobias Waite, Geoff Flash, Dave Pettengill, Richard Elaver, Michael Ian Weinfeld, Rebecca Sica, Paul Jach, Kristy Brucale Jach
Spray paint, vinyl paint on vinyl Set of 4 3"each
Gouache, acrylic, clay on vinyl
graphite on paper
White paper 3x2x5ft
by Rob Hessler Pen Marker And Pen On Paper 13.5"x10"
The Tomb of the Megalominimalistic Mumny by Paul Jach
A Mascot For Something That Will Never Exist by Matt Crabe