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Autonomous: robot inspired art
June 6 - July 27, 2014
Speakeasy Art Gallery's 2014 summer group exhibit was "Autonomous: robot inspired art". An autonomous robot is not controlled by others or by outside forces; they are independent and self-directed. The artist's featured in this exhibit share these same traits. Artist's such as Dan Fenelon, Chip 7, Ezerd, Rob Hessler, C. Spliedt, Mike Moran, Mike Bell, Tom Shelton, Anthony "Weird Eye" One and more, have tapped into that spirit to create hand made robots that are two and three dimensional, modern, vintage and even functional for this really fun exhibit.
Toying Around
Moon Dream
Artist: Jack R. Moore Digital print on canvas $750
Mechanical Man
Artist: C. Spleidt Found Objects $250.00
Welcome To Area 42
New Years - Mike Bell
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